Engineering Design & Development

Dubuat specializes in various engineering processes and thrives to achieve the parameter of one stop solution for all our client's need.

Metal Forming/Stamping ( upto 1200 tons )

Welding ( both Manual and Robotic )

Forging ( both Hot and Cold Forging )

Casting ( Investment and Pressure-Die Casting )

Moulding ( Rubber,Silicones,Plastics for NVH technology )

Machining ( from Traditional to CNC )

Project Management Services

Dubuat engineers facilitate end-to-end management of projects on behalf of our clients and partner with them for the entire product lifecycle. We are experts in trouble shooting and provide extensive support for streamlining our client's manufacturing needs. Dubuat keeps a check on daily progress of projects and enable our clients for total control globally.

Design & (NPD) New product development Production planning & control Total quality control Project documentation Purchasing & SCM Cost control Crisis management

Design & (NPD) New product development

Dubuat design team is capable to analyse 2D and 3D design data and generate an engineering report.

Product development life cycle is constructed.

Tool development report is finalized.

Jigs & fixtures are designed for quality check.

Production planning & control

Referring to Product development life-cycle, Dubuat in consultation with vendor manufacturer, plan an optimized production process. Using kanban system, we can have a real time report on actual workflow.

Total quality control

Product developed under Dubuat supervision goes through severe quality check. Jigs & fixtures designed specially for quality check are used to determine the dimensional accuracy.

Project documentation

PPAP documentation

IATF compliance

Monitoring & reporting

Agreements and communication

NDA & process control sheets

Purchasing & SCM

DUBUAT ENGINEERS has created a global network of Raw material suppliers to provide high quality RM at economic rates.

RM being the backbone of manufacturing and it requires effective planning and patience to optimize quality vs cost.

BoP (Brought ot parts) have effect on overall quality of production and we monitor the parameters of quality, cost and time management with utmost sincerity

RM - STEEL (all grades including UHSS), Aluminium, Copper, Brass Rubber, Plastic, Titanium.

BoP - Sheets, Pipes, Bushes, Brackets, Fasteners and customized BoP as per requirement.

Material resource planning (MRP)
Strategic sourcing
Balancing Quality vs Cost
Expert in Shock requirements
Vendor development and management
Quality audit
CAPEX calculation
Store management
Packaging & Logistics
Back costing & Cost optimization

Cost control

This unique exercise at DUBUAT is performed to keep cost and overall budget of the project in check.

As we control major areas of expense, cost reduction is performed either by optimizing the process or by finding better alternates, step by step.

Reverse costing and new sourcing opportunities are constantly explored to find possibilities of cost reduction. Clients at DUBUAT should get best of vendors and best of processes.

Partner with DUBUAT, we value your MONEY !!

Crisis management

DUBUAT engineers are experienced in their specific tasks to plan for all contingencies ahead. Planning is everything !

Constant review of plan in accordance to the ever changing scenario keeps us one step ahead. A wide network of experts, engineers, managers and consultants dedicate their lifetime experience to resolve the crisis.

Risk resolution

Sourcing Unique supplies

Thinking out of box

Network cooperation/support

Time management

Keeping clients satisfied

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